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Usui Reiki Treatment

Reiki pronounced Ray-key, is a Japanese hands on healing treatment that balances the energy chakras of the body. Reiki supports the immune system, decreases inflammation, headaches, sleeplessness, PMS, muscle pain, anxiety, stress, creating homeostasis in the body. This one hour treatment will have you feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated. $65 payable via paypal.

Distance Usui Reiki Treatment

Similar to a in-person treatment session, this session is provided for those who wish to enjoy the benefits of Reiki from a distance (in their home or other location)  This session will allow you to get comfotable in your own location and Reiki will be sent to you through a "surrogate" to provide you with the same type of results you would get in person.  This one hour treatment will have you feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated. contace Jen for the pricing on this.


Crystal Infused Reiki Treatment

Take your Reiki experience to the next level by adding crystals to your treatment.  Crystal Reiki utilizes the frequencies that reside within the Earth and amplifies them through the power of Reiki energy. When adding crystals to your Reiki session, the shifts can be targeted and profound. $80 payable via paypal.


Group Meditation

Many people who find that they cannot achieve a meditative state at home, are able to during our guided meditationsessions. One sign that you are meditating is the absence of mental chatter and a feeling of absolute inner stillness and peace.  Meditation generates inner peace and the ability to connect with yourself at a deeper level. When you sit with others, it can be powerful to influence one another in a community setting.  Come quiet your mind in this guided meditation class.

$15 payment due before scheduled class Payment can be made via paypal

Next Class - April 3, 2018

Beginner Crystal Classes

Come learn about the basics of crystals, how to use them, cleanse them and place them in your home. You will also learn about how to use them for headaches, anxiety, stress, etc.
$55 payment due two weeks before scheduled class to ensure crystals are available for your class (as I have to buy them for everyone, and they are yours to take home with you). Payment can be made via paypal

Next Class - April 10, 2018 Payment due by April 1st.


Beginner Aromatherapy Classes

Come learn about the basics of aromatherapy and essential oils, how to use them, how to incorporate them into your everyday life. You will also learn about how to use them for headaches, anxiety, stress, etc.  We will make several rollerball recipes and other items as decided before class is scheduled.

$40 payment due two weeks before scheduled class to ensure all required supplies are available for your class. Payment can be made via paypal

Next Class - TBA

Holisitic Gardening Classes

Always wanted to have your own herb garden, but don't know where to start or how to take care of everything?  This class will get you started on the path to a successful herb garden.  Come and make some holistic recipes that you can use for yourself, your home, and more.

$25  Payment can be made via paypal up until the day of class.

Next Class - April 17th - 6 PM

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